Rebbe Nachman says in Torah 188 that we need to go to the tzaddik to find our lost objects. You see, before we were born we were taught and shown everything we need to do in this world, but when we’re born we forget it. So we have to go searching for our lost objects. The tzaddik finds our lost objects, because he doesn’t stop searching until he finds them. Reb Nosson (Aveida U’metzia 3:2) clarifies that there’s no magic going on here.
״בכל פעם שבאים אל הצדיק…הוא מאיר עליהם אור גדול עד שיש להם כח בעצמם לחפש ולבקש אחר שארי איבדתם שעדיין לא מצאו״
“Every time we go to the the tzaddik, he shines a bright light for us, which EMPOWERS US to search for what we lost”. As Matisyahu, the jewish-reggae star said, “the Rebbeh is the geologist of the soul. He can show you where to dig and what to dig for. But the digging you must do yourself. The digging you must do yourself”.